K of C Convention on the Air

Posted on July 20, 2023 in: General News

K of C Convention on the Air

Experience the 141st Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus live from Orlando, Fla. — and online



Knights of Columbus and family members from around the world — joined by numerous bishops, priests, religious sisters and special guests — will gather in Orlando, Fla., for the 141st Supreme Convention Aug. 1-3, 2023.

Set at the Marriott Orlando World Center the annual convention will include events celebrating charity, unity and fraternity. In addition, participants can look forward to a welcome concert on Monday evening, July 31.

Those unable to attend in person can follow the Supreme Convention proceedings from home.

News, Photos, Videos

Visit kofc.org/convention for daily updates, live video of major events, and photo galleries. For a closer look at the events, follow the Order’s social media channels — including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube — and the hashtag #KnightsCon23.

Live Broadcasts

In addition to the livestreams shared at kofc.org/convention, broadcasts will be made available by several Catholic media outlets: EWTN, CatholicTV, Salt + Light TV , and The Catholic Channel (SiriusXM 129).

Tuesday, Aug. 1
Pre-Convention Broadcast (EWTN) – 9 a.m. ET
Opening Mass – 9:30 a.m. CT
Opening Business Session & Annual Report of the Supreme Knight – 1 p.m. ET
States Dinner – 6:30 p.m. ET

Wednesday, Aug. 2
Concelebrated Mass – 8:30 a.m. ET

Thursday, Aug. 3
Concelebrated Mass – 8 a.m. ET

In addition, these podcasters will be covering the convention:

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